Sunday, October 18, 2009

New Unit, Same Blog

Where does my knowledge of what’s going on come from? As embarrassing as it sounds, most of it comes from my mother. There are few current events that my mother doesn’t know about. While she doesn’t read the newspaper, she flips through the news stations every couple of hours to see what’s going on. She also checks their websites when she’s online. I mean she actually listens to NPR. No one does that. Then she just tells me all the important and interesting stuff.

Lately it seems that I have been getting a lot of my information from the radio. I listen to t in the morning to get traffic info, and I end up getting the news stories as well.

Not so much now, but when I was younger most of my information came from watching Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live. For some reason I don’t watch it much anymore.

Of course, I get information through conversations with people, but I think that’s the same with everyone.

Ok, I’ll admit it. When it comes to getting information, I’m what most people would call ‘lazy’. Mostly I just wait for things to come to me. I never really go out and seek information, it’s more like if it’s around I’ll pay attention. Although I don’t really consider myself to be ‘lazy’. I prefer the term low maintenance. (Side note: I’ve literally spent the last five minutes trying to figure out how to spell that word and I’m not sure if I got it right, so I apologize if it’s wrong.)

I’m really not an informed person. It’s kind of sad, I’ve never really noticed before. Oh well, no biggie maybe it will change one day.

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know, you did spell maintenance right. And I agree with a lot of your blog, I depend on my parents sometimes with the news also. My dad watches the 6 o clock newsevery day and it irks my nerves because I grow tired of watching the news. So we're both low maintenance. Which is a good thing....right???
