Saturday, August 29, 2009

Blog 1

My blogging experience so far has been limited, but so far so good. I’ve always stayed away from blogs because I have always felt they were more for whinny people who loved to complain, but don’t have any one to listen to them. There is a difference between stating an opinion and ranting. I feel that bloggers tend to do the second. When I hear someone whine about how they think this and feel that all I want to do is yell at them to shut up, which is hard to do over the internet, and ends up frustrating me because I can’t stop them from sharing their diluted opinions. The only thing I can do is not listen to them, ergo my limited experience with bloggers.

Hopefully this image I have of the blogging universe is inaccurate. Otherwise I might begin to dislike this class rather quickly.

Reasons why I haven’t blogged myself: First I have this tendency to be very meticulous about what I put online. Basically I check over and over again to make sure everything is spelled right, something I don’t do for anything else I write. Then after I post something I’m always really paranoid about mistakes I missed. Second, when I write about something that I’m opinionated about I can just rant on and on. This would make me a hypocrite. I don’t want to be a hypocrite. Therefore no blogging for me.

This blog could have its advantages. For one, I think I’m funnier on paper than in real life. This may have to do with the fact that I don’t talk in real life. If I opened my mouth every once in a while maybe funny stuff would come out. Maybe I’m crazy and I’m not funny on paper either. If this is the case please don’t tell me. I like my deluded realities, they make me feel special. I also like the whole informality involved in this blog. It’s a lot more freeing than other writing styles. However the best part of all is picking colors.

Now I’m well over the 250 mark which means I’m done! Time for a victory dance.