Sunday, October 25, 2009

Done With 33 Min. Left Till Due Time

Reading the New York Times. I have to say I am enjoying it more than I thought I would. The only problem I am having is trying to get into the habit of checking it every day. I get easily distracted, so I will go online planning to do a couple of things, including going to New York Times, and then I’ll forget to go. Then I have to log on again. I think I’m getting better though. I find that once I get n though I spend more than 5-20 there. There’s a lot to navigate through there.

All though I am reading the New York Times, it doesn’t really feel like I know more. Let me explain. I thought that if I was a more informed person, I would have this look at me, I know things feeling, but I don’t. Oh well.

All though I’ve read a lot of different things, the best one was a little bit I found one day about why vampires are so popular now. Basically it said that vampires are popular because women want to have sex with gay men. Not even kidding. Even though it was on the site I’m not sure if it was really a part of the New York Times. It made me laugh though.

I also read a story about a priest who had an affair, and the child resulting from that affair now has cancer, so the mother is breaking her confidentiality agreement with the church to get money. This story was actually more legitimate than the vampire thing. Maybe the reason I don’t feel more informed is because I read stupid stories.

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