Monday, September 28, 2009

Emma's Essay

link to Emma's Essay


  1. I like how you put your own personality and tone into this essay. I also really liked the modern day examples you use to tie into the essay. Showing you know about swine flu, bird flu, and other current day events shows that you are very web literate and your opinion can be valued. I agree with you on the content, but consider the oppositions strong points. Such as the internet opens up to everyone, a bad part of that is that even those who don't know what they're talking about now have access to publish false information, which could ultimately hurt our literacy. Proving that wrong could make your point stronger. Although I do agree and I liked the essay. It kept me entertained.

  2. I like how you opened your essay. It really captures your reader's attention and keeps them going when you begin with a witty introduction such as yours. The examples you brought in from outside our sources for past blog posts were great as well. It was very focused on breaking down certain weak points of the opposing argument.
